Thanks for reaching out!


Dr Barbara A Cohen (Dr B), is a licensed Marriage, Family Therapist, and also maintains a comprehensive ADHD coaching practice, in Tarzana, California.  As Founder of The ADHD Coaching Company, she has integrated a variety of methods into her coaching practice, tailored to the needs of each client.

You've reached out and decided it's time to take action.  My private practice is at capacity right now.  I highly recommend you check out my online program and get on the Information List at:

ADDventures In Achievement Foundational Skills program

You can learn everything you would want to know from that page and even more coming if you are on the Information List.

There is a discount starting 5/9/22 for those people on this Information List.

I am not scheduling complementary consultations at this time due to lack of space in my private practice.  If you have any questions about how we would work together to resolve your challenges and achieve your goals, you can email me about your needs and I can let you know if the program would address those issues for you.  I have a few students who want 1:1 work in addition to all the amazing work they are doing in the program, and that can be arranged on a limited basis.  I look forward to hearing from you and to being of service.  

You can reach me at [email protected]